kNCTLGFVER &$VER: TypeSmith.catalog 1.46 (1.2.95) russian : %lD TypeSmith : Martin A. Blatter Chip- Fast- 1TypeSmith 100 '%s' chip- %ld a '%s'! ARexx- ABF ( ABF ( Soft-Logik Soft-Logik Amiga a Outline- Outline- a PS- PFM (Windows) a PS IFF ILBM- a AGFA Compugraphic Intellifont AGFA Compugraphic Intellifont IFF DR2D... IFF DR2D... ARexx- Outline... Compugraphic Intellifont... PS PFB- a 1... a AFM-PS a 1... a PFM (Windows)... a IFF DR2D... a 3... IFF ILBM... Amiga Soft-Logik... ABF... IFF ILBM... Subscribe IFF ILBM Template... Publish IFF ILBM Template... ARexx- a ARexx- Shift PostScript: Soft-Logik: Intellifont: Intellifont Sans Serif Serif Script Novelty Monospaced .dat .metric "%s" '%s' Character _Tracking: Not a DMF file! 1-800-829-8608 Max. : %ld%% : %ld : %1ld : %2ld !%ld: %s (%ld, $%02lx) ( ARexx-a Workbench PFB- AFM- PFM- PFB- TypeSmith-a? "Character Set Overview for %s - %s Update Overview Type Character Outlines Templates Sample Font _Characters _Numerals .Do you really want to delete %ld character(s)? Invalid entry! Couldn't get memory for paths. Unable to add more paths! Print Sample Resolution Printer Driver: Options _Outline only Cen_ter _Negative Character Size _Print Points Portrait Landscape Orientation Can't open printer.device! Printer not ready! Now printing... Save as PostScript Type 3 Error while loading: Not an IFF ILBM file Mangled IFF ILBM file Bitmap Picture Template Options Frame to scale Scale to fit *Error while loading: Not an IFF DR2D file! IFF DR2D Intellifont- Type Preview for %s #Unable to open Type Preview window! XDelete line 50 Points 75 Points 100 Points User... User Registration Registered User: Please personalize your copy of TypeSmith Company/City Registration # ;Registration failed! Did you enter all your data correctly? !Target directory for PPage files: -No if.fnt file in Gold Disk target directory! Edit Point Poin_t _Previous _Next _Incoming Curve Handle O_utgoing Curve Handle Goto Character _Go To: Version Set Grid Size Horizontal Grid Vertical Grid Skew Paths Skewing... Duplicate Paths Duplicating... _Horizontal Offset _Vertical Offset Scale Paths Rotate Paths Relative to center of selection Relative to origin Flip Paths Flipping... EWould you like to crop the screen font to align it with the outline? 2Problem loading ABF file. No ABF bitmap font file. -Not enough chip memory for character bitmaps. &Tracer out of memory. Cannot continue. Tracing... Finding Edges Finding Contours Removing Noise Marking Corners Simplifying Data Tracing -TypeSmith: The Professional Amiga Font Editor 'Size gadget: drag to resize the window. "Move bar: drag to move the window. 5Screen Move bar: drag up or down to move the screen. /Depth gadget: click to send the window to back. 2Screen Depth gadget: click to send screen to back. 2Zoom gadget: click to shrink or expand the window. )Close gadget: click to close the window. /Cancel changes made in this requester and exit. -TypeSmith: The Professional Amiga Font Editor We Give You the Tools to Dream We Give You the Tools to Dream -TypeSmith: The Professional Amiga Font Editor Enter your name here. Enter your company name here. %Enter your registration number here. )Watch this space for short help prompts. &Mouse coordinates (in character units) View magnfication &Pointer tool: Click or drag to select. 3Pen tool: Click to draw lines, drag to draw curves. .Edit Bitmap toggle: Edit the bitmap character. 9Ellipse tool: Click to start drawing, click again to end. 5Box tool: Click to start drawing, click again to end. 9Line to Curve tool: Select both ends of a line to change. :Curve to Line tool: Select both ends of a curve to change. 1Add Point tool: Select two points to add between. ;Join Points tool: Select two points from each of two paths. 2Show Template toggle: Reveals the bitmap template. ;Show Filled Characters toggle: Shows characters with fills. 5Goto Character tool: enter character number to view. 1Preview Character tool: view previous character. )Next Character tool: view next character. -Toolbox: change program modes and characters. :Magnifier tool: click to zoom in, shift click to zoom out. *Click to select an ARexx macro to install. 5Enter the name and path of an ARexx macro to install. *Click to select an ARexx macro to install. 5Enter the name and path of an ARexx macro to install. *Click to select an ARexx macro to install. 5Enter the name and path of an ARexx macro to install. *Click to select an ARexx macro to install. 5Enter the name and path of an ARexx macro to install. *Click to select an ARexx macro to install. 5Enter the name and path of an ARexx macro to install. *Click to select an ARexx macro to install. 5Enter the name and path of an ARexx macro to install. *Click to select an ARexx macro to install. 5Enter the name and path of an ARexx macro to install. *Click to select an ARexx macro to install. 5Enter the name and path of an ARexx macro to install. *Click to select an ARexx macro to install. 5Enter the name and path of an ARexx macro to install. *Click to select an ARexx macro to install. 5Enter the name and path of an ARexx macro to install. 1Toggle between normal and shifted function keys. 2Save the current ARexx macro setup as the default. 3Use the current ARexx macro setup for this session. %Set path for different file formats. "Enter a path for Soft-Logik fonts. -Click to select a path for Soft-Logik fonts. "Enter a path for PostScript fonts. -Click to select a path for PostScript fonts. 5Click to select a path for Compugraphic Intellifonts. +Enter a path for Compugraphic Intellifonts. )Click to select a path for graphic files. Enter a path for graphic files. /Click to select a path for TrueType font files. %Enter a path for TrueType font files. .Click to select a path for IFF RFF font files. %Enter a path for IFF RFF font files. +Save the current path setup as the default. -Use the current path setup for this session. 2Choose the font attribute (Soft-Logik fonts only). Enter the font name. *Enter a unique font identification number. Enter the font family name. Enter the font weight name. Enter the full font name. %Enter your copyright notice or notes. Set the underline options. %Enter the underline baseline offset. Enter the underline thickness. -Toggle on for fixed pitch (monospaced) fonts. !Accept the font attribute values. Set the font attributes. Enter a version number. )Optional Intellifont attribute settings. )Optional Intellifont attribute settings. )Optional Intellifont attribute settings. )Optional Intellifont attribute settings. )Optional Intellifont attribute settings. )Optional Intellifont attribute settings. )Optional Intellifont attribute settings. &Export the font in Intellifont format. Intellifont- 9Toggle on to save files required for Gold Disk programs. .Toggle on to save hints to improve appearance. -Set the encoding system and hinting options. Choose the encoding system. .Toggle on to save hints to improve appearance. -Export the font in PostScript Type 1 format. !Set global hint aligmment zones. !Set global hint aligmment zones. #Set descent line to align stems to. /Set overshoot value for descent alignment zone. Set baseline alignment zone. Set baseline vershoot value. -Set alignment zone for lowercase characters. 1Set overshoot value for x-height alignment zone. -Set alignment zone for uppercase characters. .Set overshoot value for character height zone. Set alignment zone for ascent. .Set overshoot value for ascent alignment zone. -Accept global alignment zone values and exit. /Cancel changes made in this requester and exit. 1Set the font's bounding box and guide positions. !Set the character's bounding box. Set the character guides. !Enter the character's left edge. !Enter the character's right edge. "Enter the character's bottom edge. Enter the character's top edge. 'Enter the top of the ascender position. !Enter the top of the caps height. Enter the lowercase height. +Enter the bottom of the descender position. Moving character baseline Moving left sidebearing line !Accept the font dimension values. 5Calculate the bounding box and guides automatically. Revert to TypeSmith's defaults. #Click to create a new kerning pair. *Click to delete the selected kerning pair. 5Click to delete all kerning pairs for this character. %Click to decrease the kerning by 10. %Click to increase the kerning by 10. 'Enter the kerning value then press Tab. !Select a kerning pair to change. )See the character width or kerning pair. /Select the second character for a kerning pair. #Click to load a kerning pair table. #Click to save a kerning pair table. 3Esimate the character width and kerning pair value. )Enter the character width then press Tab. "Click to decrease the width by 10. "Click to increase the width by 10. Accept the font metric values. 2Edit the character name of the selected character Select a character to change. %Set the character widths and kerning. )See the character width or kerning pair. "Describes what is being previewed. +Set the character's composition references. +Select the composition reference to change. 6Add the selected character as a composition reference. *Click to delete the composition reference. 5Select a character to add as a composition reference. )Enter the horizontal composition offset. &Enter the vertical composition offset. 1Decrease the horizontal composition offset by 10. /Decrease the vertical composition offset by 10. 1Increase the horizontal composition offset by 10. /Increase the vertical composition offset by 10. -See changes, as they are made, in the window. "Click to load a composition table. "Click to save a composition table. "Accept the composition references. +Set the character's composition references. The cool logo! Blush... The TypeSmith programming team! Free memory in this Amiga. Free chip RAM in this Amiga. Free fast RAM in this Amiga. -TypeSmith: The Professional Amiga Font Editor Thanks! Remaining time to finish task. Remaining time to finish task. Remaining time to finish task. Remaining time to finish task. Stop the task in progress. +Character window: draw and edit characters. 1Horizontal scrollbar: scroll window horizontally. -Vertical scrollbar: scroll window vertically. %Set options for the new font metric. !Make all numbers the same width. %Set the width of the space character. -Drag to set narrow or wide character widths. Accept the metric options. Enter the point's coordinates. Enter the point's coordinates. )Enter the point's horizontal coordinate. 'Enter the point's vertical coordinates. 9Enter the previous curve handle's horizontal coordinate. 6Enter the previous curve handle's vertical coordinate. 5Enter the next curve handle's horizontal coordinate. 2Enter the next curve handle's vertical coordinate. Accept the point's coordinates. 5Accept the coordinates and select the previous point. 9Accept the point's coordinates and select the next point. Edit the point's coordinates. )Enter the horizontal offset for the copy. 'Enter the vertical offset for the copy. Accept the duplication values. Set the duplication offsets. !Enter the skew angle in degrees. Accept the skew value. Set the skew angle. %Enter the rotation angle in degrees. %Choose the rotation reference point. Accept the rotation values. Set the rotation values. /Enter the horizontal scaling factor in percent. -Enter the vertical scaling factor in percent. #Choose the scaling reference point. Accept the scaling values. Set the scaling values. +Choose the direction to flip the character. Accept the flip direction. Set the flip direction. Type to preview characters. 9Click on a character to select, double click to edit it. 9Update the Overview panel for the current font outlines. Close the Overview panel. -Undo the last Edit or Character menu command. 1Remove the selected characters to the clipboard. .Copy the selected characters to the clipboard. 9Paste the clipboard contents to the selected characters. Delete the selected characters. Select all the characters. 1Duplicate the selected characters with an offset. Skew the selected characters. Rotate the selected characters. Scale the selected characters. Flip the selected characters. *Show the actual outline font in the panel. "Show the bitmap font in the panel. "Show the screen font in the panel. #Click to select all the characters. !Click to select all the numerals. #Click to select all the characters. )Choose the size for the new bitmap font. )Choose the size for the new bitmap font. )Choose the size for the new bitmap font. 'Enter the size for the new bitmap font. Accept the bitmap font size. Set the autotrace mode. 'Convert the bitmap template into paths. 1Normal: fast & rough. Accurate: slow & detailed. 'Convert the bitmap template into paths. Set the Print Preview options. 'The printer driver selected from Prefs. *Choose a resolution for the Print Preview. Set the Print Preview options. Print characters unfilled. Centers the output on the page. "Prints characters in reverse type. "Sets the character size in points. 5Select portrait (vertical) or landscape (horizontal). /Accept the print options and print the preview. Is the picture coming? !Click here to abort the request. #Choose the horizontal grid spacing. !Choose the vertical grid spacing. "Enter the horizontal grid spacing. !Enter the vertical grid spacing. Accept the grid spacing values. Set the grid spacing options. Set TypeSmith program options. )Save the current options as the default. )Use the current options for this session. Click to choose a view mode. The current view mode. Click to choose a screen font. The current screen font. %Select the interface color to change. *Change the selected color's red component. -Change the selected color's green component. +Change the selected color's blue component. =Makes the character window background white instead of gray. 5Makes the character outline always fit in the window. Choose the screen type. 5Enter the name of the public screen on which to open. /Position the toolbox on the left or right side. )Toggle on to save icons with font files. /Position the toolbox on the left or right side. Moving ascender position guide. Moving caps height guide line. #Moving lowercase height guide line. !Moving descender position guide. Moving character's bottom edge. Moving character's right edge. &Increasing/decreasing character width. TrueType Outline Font... IFF RFF Outline Font... Export IFF RFF font file Exporting RFF file... Import IFF RFF font file Export TrueType font file Exporting TTF file... Import TrueType font file TrueType Fonts: IFF RFF Fonts: Loading Compositions Extracting Glyphs... Loading Glyphs... Analyzing Tables... Loading Tables... Loading TTF file... Open TTF file... Save TTF file... Analyzing Glyphs... Saving TTF file... Storing Compositions... Storing Glyphs... Storing Tables... Hint Options... /Global Hint Control (BlueValues and OtherBlues) Baseline Char Height Descender Overshoot Baseline Overshoot X-Height Overshoot Charheight Overshoot Ascender Overshoot _Target System: TrueType Export Options TTF _Instructions >Set the target system type and instructions (hinting) options. %Choose the target system for the font 5Toggle on to save instructions to improve appearance. 6Accept options and export the font in TrueType format. ;Accept changes and edit compositions of previous character. 7Accept changes and edit compositions of next character. -Enter the new name for character %ld ($%lx): Edit character name Reducing Points.. Correcting Path Directions...